division of society | Rajat Poonia Rajasthan

Nowadays a very common(but dangerous) is the division of society everywhere. With this division every born faced so many problems with their birth of which he/she is ignorant.. but they has to. With this their is a huge difference in thoughts from higher society to lower society and because of this all faces anxiety, stress etc.With its corollary of su-cide.! like - There are things you can't fight, acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. You can win !
Whenever we come across the thinking of higher society people then we came to know that they all are thinker of rumour and that's of theirs misunderstanding (viz. They are more cognizant from lower) but in fact in real life they don't even think for a while before going bad for lower and in most of cases they don't preserve the right of equality of them and even they can't.. and this causes difference in thinking of people on the basis of standard not with ability.

Actually division of society is a major topic because it can create large war also .If we see society war on a level then we can not ignore biggest case like - division of society in connection with the Ukrainian crisis !
It was biggest in respect to division of society and many things happened there ! Quickly to the end of it, people are used as cannon fodder. Experienced fighters do not take part in the war, and the young guys are forced to go to war. A lot of deaths and stupid. And most importantly it is not clear what it all.!

It is old said " good vocabulary makes paragraph better" in the same sense society made good with better people not with more prestige,facility,standard etc.So if we take a rare look on society term problem then we found out that it is very hazardous for newcomers because  they don't get attention which they want as well as they deserve.so these can become a causes of talent decreament. So try to be a good person Instead of belonging to a good society(standard,higher community).

Now, you and I are the only thing standin' between that ugly bastard and a city of more than millions of people! Now we have a choice here: we either sit and wait, or we take decesion and do something really stupid or best.


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