Go Hell with Twilight | Rajat Poonia Rajasthan

I made it through the day , and even enjoyed myself -a little. But lord these movies do not improve by being shown back to back.
Love never completely bought into the oddly beginning " vampire boy meets girl , vampire boy marries girl, vampire/human couple makes a baby  that pisses off vampire elders, and then everyone laughs about the misunderstanding " obscure question such as, "what year Edward Cullen turned into a vampire and why?"are never answered in the movie.

Within minute,  our hero Edward appears on the screen . Close-up after close-up of Robert Pattinson's pale and  poreless face. My shrieked commentary goes unappreciated, As does my unrestrained laughter during what I shall forever refer to as the " lion and the lamb senseless romance." When Bella and Edward lie in the field of flowers (Edward all sparkling ) and drone their way through the worst exchange of the series:

" and so the lion fell in love with the lamb " says Edward.
"What a stupid lamb " says Bella .
"What a sick , masochistic lion." Counters Edward.
New moon turns out to be one of the series' high points . It seems like a people actually watch. Bella acknowledges that she's a 17 year old dating someone in his early 100s . Newly minted werewolf Jacob Black reminds audience that his affection isn't a "lifestyle choice" .

What does destroy my hope that these movies will be "good" in the traditional sense. It is contrived "let's keep the lovers apart" , when Edward abandons Bella.

So he breaks her heart instead of breaking her neck.

Love is not a joke  *************************************************** !!!!!!!


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