Is Music Really Affects You ??? | Rajat Poonia Rajasthan
After all Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.
Music is obviously more than a way of getting a party started and giving us a rhythm to dance to and having fun but just how much more? We use music to relax, set any mood for guests, express our feelings and motivate us. Yes the beat of the song affects our mood and what we think about the song and how we respond to it but the music alone sometimes and the words of the songs can impact us more than that.
Sometimes story of a movie is not so good,but because of music it rock on the stage. so we can see easily that it plays an important role in industry also.
It can stir up emotions in us. We all know how some songs put us in a good mood and some lead us to feel sad. We also all know that songs can get stuck in our minds and we keep thinking about the song and what the words might mean or how the song describes our situation and we think even maybe the artist might be right about whatever they're singing or rapping. Or sometimes we get so into a song, we keep thinking of the song and then begin playing it repeatedly. The main reason why songs affect our emotions are because of the words. Words have power and when they are put to music it is easy to remember them or have them stuck in your mind increasing their power. Everyone knows that's why advertisers use catchy 'jingles'.
Change your thoughts and you change your world , and music help in it. It is clear that artists are very aware of the power of their music and they are using it so we need to be careful to what we listen to. Songs are clearly not just songs.
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