Life: A Never-Ending Series of Reactions | Rajat Poonia Rajasthan

***      Life : A Never-Ending Series of Reactions    ***

In many ways, our lives are a series of reactions. It’s unavoidable. And while we do our best to create our own destiny and to live proactive and productive lives, the reality is that we all live in a dynamic and unpredictable world. 

Reacting is a fundamental and necessary part of the human experience.It’s a required skill. It’s what we do hundreds of times a day. Consciously or not. Positively or negatively. We hear the weather forecast, we react Our partner says something, we react. Our child spills milk, we react.The boss walks in, we react. We hear good or bad news,we react.One way or the other.Somebody lets us down, we react.The lights change,we react.Somebody gives us feedback, we react. A song comes on the radio,we react. An opportunity presents itself, we react. We’re confronted with a challenge, we react.

Today you will react hundreds of times and many of those reactions will happen on auto-pilot. Some reactions will be incidental and for the most part, meaningless (scratching an itch, stepping over a puddle, swaying to some music). Some will impact on others (reacting to the woman who cuts you off in the car park). 

Everytime there is something new in our life !! 

Some will affect your personal relationships (an argument with a friend). Some will be life-impacting (dealing with a tragedy). Some will create positive outcomes. Some negative. Our reactions can be relationship-enhancing, or relationship-destroying. They can put us in a solution-focused headspace, or a problem-obsessed pity-party. They can make people laugh or fill a room with tension.They can empower people or discourage them. They can make people feel safe and secure or terrified and confused. They can lead to learning and personal growth or bitterness and anger.


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